Our approach to leadership development blends a healthy respect for leadership theory with a strong orientation towards individual development. We feel it’s important to allow the models of what good leaders do and how they do it to inform our thinking, then to encourage each leader to go beyond those ideas to create their own leadership persona based on individual values, drives and talents. The key to leadership development, we believe, is to surface, harness and develop these, while placing oneself within the context of best practice from management and leadership theory.
In developing talent, we draw on a wide range of tactics, including active behavioral practice, reflection, journaling, assessment, feedback, coaching, mentoring and exposure to management models and leadership literature.
We draw on our own significant management experience to build rapport and credibility with clients, and on our international expertise to understand today’s global organizations. We’ve developed leaders in both large and small firms and in both the corporate and voluntary sectors. We’ve designed leadership development processes and coached individual leaders at a variety of levels, from high potentials to CEOs.